With palms together, Good Morning Everyone, The Fourth Grave Precept is: Do not lie. This precept, like all the others,is geared toward what makes for a civilized world. One of the foundations of civil society is trust. In order for us to function together we must trust that what is said to us is honest. Lying about, distorting, and otherwise "handling": the truth erodes this trust. Yet, we have a similar paradox as with other precepts. ...
If anyone is interested in receiving my daily messages, please subscribe to Zenliving at Yahoogroups.com or contact me personally at harveyhilbert@yahoo.com I will continue to post here until the powers that be remove me again. Be well.
Good Afternoon All, The Jewish way of prayer is interesting. As I mentioned in passing yesterday, the Hebrew word translated as prayer does not mean the same thing in Hebrew as prayer does in English. Jewish prayer is not about asking for something. Its really about service to God through a realignment of ourselves. I thought I would take you through the various steps of the Jewish Morning Service, the Shacharit l'chol . The Jewish prayerbook or siddur (order) is over t...
Good Morning Everyone, Harvey sodaiho Hilbert here writing under a different name in a different blog specifically about contemplative Jewish practice. I hope you are are well and will feel comfortable commenting. ___________ Goodness, it is already 7:20 AM! Sometimes I just don't know where the time goes. I was busy cleaning, the robot is going, I was listening to a new "Morning Prayers" CD I received from my friend Stuart at Temple and, well, here it is. &...